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Eid Al Adha 2022 Activities

The Ummah Society is pleased to announce 5 huge events for everyone in the community!


Join Our EID programs and let’s celebrate together:

1- Arafah Family Day: (Iftar & Retreat)

On Arafah day, Friday June 8, join us with your family and spend some special moments in the Mosque.
a. We will enjoy listening to Arafat reminder and Arafat Duaa.
b. There will be a program for the kids.
c. Sharing Iftar together (bringing food from home or purchasing meals cooked in the Mosque)

To register & more info:

2- Eid Prayer:
Saturday, July 9th

Takbeer starts @ 8:30 am, prayers @ 9:00 am.
Eid Prayers will be held inside the Masjid (prayer hall and gymnasium) as well as outside in the park next to the Mosque if weather conditions allow us so.

3- Eid Party:
Saturday, July 9th from 2 to 9 PM

Join us with your family to enjoy horse riding, bouncy castles, henna, face painting, Eid Bazar, food, candy, and much more!

4- Eid Cruise trip:
Sunday, July 10 from 11 AM to 2:30 PM.
Let’s celebrate Eid together with a cruise reserved only for the Muslim community. We will enjoy the beauty of the Halifax Harbour and celebrate with family and community!

To register & more info:

5- Eid Al-Adha Cape Breton trip:
Saturday, July 9 – Monday, July 11.

The Ummah Society has organized a Cape Breton trip for Eid, providing a variety of accommodations to suit each family.

To register & more info: