What is Islam?
Simply: Acquiring peace through willingly submitting to our merciful creator,
No holy men who talk to God,
But we talk to God directly in our prayers.
What are the characteristics of God in Islam?
In Islam
God is One and Unique:
God has no partners, no equals and no rivals.
God has no father, mother, sons, daughters or wives.
God alone is worthy of all worship.
What is the purpose of life in Islam?
In Islam, life is a test for our deeds,
we have clear purposes in life:
- Worship one God, in order to please Him.
- Work for the welfare (development) of society.
- To save oppressed people.
4. To call people to worship Allah alone without any association or partners.
What are the teachings of Islam?
Islam teaches us that all humans are equal regardless of their race, color, or nationality.
Islam encourages us to help and support the weak, the poor, the needy, and the disabled.
Islam requires its followers to show respect and tolerance even to those who do not share their faith.
In Islam, all Muslims are brothers and sisters in one big family. We must love for each other what we love for ourselves.
Women in Islam are precious and protected. Men must provide for them and take care of them and treat them well. Women in Islam inherit, unlike other religions where women aren’t allowed any inheritance.
Islam teaches us to respect our neighbours, regardless of their faith, and not cause any harm or disturbance to them. We must support them in their times of need.
How Islam is different from other religions?
Unlike other religions, Islam is not named after its founder or the community of its birth. Islam is an attributive title that signifies obedience to God, the Creator of the Universe. One of its main beauties is that it acknowledges the complete perfection, greatness and uniqueness of God with absolutely no compromises. This is reflected in Islam’s pure teachings of the attributes of God.
How does Islam treat other religions?
Extreme kind is mentioned in Quran with non-Muslims and parents.
they have many rights in Islam.
Why Islam is logical religion?
1- The true religion should have come from God.
2- It should call for the worship of God directly with no mediators.
3- It should be in accordance with the principles advocated by the messengers.
4- It should not be self-contradictory.
5- It should guarantee to protect people’s religious commitment, honor, wealth, lives and children.
6- It should be a mercy to mankind.
7- It should include guidance regarding the laws of God.
8- It should advocate the best attitudes and actions.
9- It should bring happiness to those who believe.
10- It should point towards the truth and warn against false.
Sound logical?
It is all mentioned in Quran (the Holy scripture of Islam)
Why Islam is the true religion not others?
Islam is the only religion that has logical, historical, scientific and many other proves,
Islam is a complete way of life,
Islam has solutions to all the world problems.
Why do we need a religion?
1 We need a clear proven logical answer for our existential questions.
2 We need peaceful mind and to fulfill our souls.
3 We need to know where we are going after death.
4 We need guidelines, discipline and structure for our life.
Why do I have to follow a religion?
If you listen carefully to a believer, you will find the answer,
whom submitted themselves to the Almighty Creator feel re-connection between the soul and its Creator, and it has the quality that if practiced correctly it leads to the highest of virtues in this life as well as the next.
Religion transforms believer inside and out, just like it is said a person is delivered from darkness into light.
spiritual needs is inherited in us as a human, we feel it when we see the scene of prayers, when we are lost and need inner peace,
when we got our questions answered clearly, so, we feel mentally satisfied,
when we fall in perplexity and need a specific guidance,
Oh my creator i need your help, I need your guidance.
Some misconceptions about Islam:
Islam is not an Arab religion. Islam is a Universal religion. About 80% Muslims are Non-Arabs.
Allah is Not an Arab Deity, rather it’s just the Arabic, term used to denote the Creator and sustainer of heavens and earth and everything in between.
Islam didn’t start with Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him),
rather it’s the same message which was preached by all the prophets such as Adam, Abraham, Mosses, Jesus, peace and blessings be upon them all
Similarities between Christianity and Islam
Abrahamic Religions Based on Revelation (Scripture).
Prophets and Messengers.
Jesus (PBUH): born without father
Promised messiah (Christ)ü performed miracles,
ascended to heavens,
return in the last days
Islam in Comparison to Christianity
No Trinity: Strict Monotheism, One God, One being,q One Person.
No Original Sin: Human Beings are born with a Clean slate.
Personal Accountability:
No one died or need to die for anyone’s sins.
Forgiveness and Mercy: Try your best, for our shortcomings God forgives freely