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Lunenburg – Deep Sea Fishing

What: Lunenburg – Deep Sea Fishing
When: Sunday August 25 7.30am-12pm
Where: The Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, 68 Bluenose Drive, Lunenburg B0J2C0
Price: $60 +HST
Age: 12+, Males Only (option for families to spend time in Lunenberg and the Oven Caves)
Registration: https://ca.mohid.co/ns/halifax/umcc/masjid/online/registration/index/lgfo6phHiBX649sx4EqCEA9rVC8=

Leave the scenic harbour of historic Lunenburg aboard the “Islander VI” bound for the pristine waters of the North Atlantic for a fun half day of fishing. After sailing by the lighthouse at the entrance to Lunenburg Capt. Bill will haul up a Lobster Trap & explain how lobster are caught. We will then sail by the Ovens Caves and all guests are told to keep an eye out for dolphins, whales and the occasional giant Ocean sunfish, or Bluefin Tuna!

We will provide you with bait, rods and reels. Avid anglers are welcome to bring their own tackle. Also available are traditional handlines if you would like try to fish the old fashioned way. Fish caught are Cod, Mackerel, Dog Fish, Haddock, Halibut, Pollock or Wolf Fish.

If you have any questions call Ahmed Nassrat 902-452-5525.