Refugee Sponsorship Application Refugee Sponsorship Application About Our Service Ummah Society is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for Refugee Sponsorship to sponsor Refugee families to settle in Canada. Members of the community who would like to sponsor members of their families, friends or relatives can fill in this Expression of Interest Form in its entirety. In the process, once the sponsor fills in a form and all criteria are met as per the Ummah Refugee Immigration Policy and deposit the required funds, Ummah Society will fill in the necessary forms and submit the application for evaluation by Immigration Refugee Commission Canada. Once the application is submitted to Immigration Canada Ummah Society’s duty is completed. When the application is in the hands of the government Ummah Society has no control on the time the process will take. The Ummah Society will inform the sponsor only when we receive updates from Immigration Canada. Registration & Membership All applicants must register. Applicants must provide their personal information, and complete a questionnaire. After registration, UMCC Sponsorship committee reviews the questionnaire and validates the registration form. If the registration is accepted, an email will be sent to inform the applicant of their enrollment in the waiting list. A member may voluntarily end their application at any time. Questions and Communications: Please note that all communications regarding sponsoring refugee families are done online through this designated email If you are human, leave this field blank. Next